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DTSC- Head Coach announcement

Active Manningham is excited to introduce Darren Tullberg as the new Head Coach to lead the Doncaster Templestowe Swim Club out of Aquarena.

Active Manningham is excited to introduce Darren Tullberg as the new Head Coach to lead the Doncaster Templestowe Swim Club out of Aquarena. A highly respected coach of national and Olympic swimmers combined with personal success as a marathon swimmer the future looks bright for the athletes of DTSC.

Bringing over 35 years industry experience Darren will support our athletes and coaching staff with guidance, support, and a renewed program in 2023. Leaning on his experience as a high-performance athlete, Darren brings a unique perspective to coaching that combines high-level competition experience with effective training techniques, mentorship, and a focus on connection.

Darren comes to us after working in Queensland since 2020 with Swim Fit based out of the Dalby Aquatic Centre with prior experience in Victoria with Lauriston Girls School and Kew Swimming Club.

“I’m excited about returning to Victoria and leading the coaching team for the Doncaster Templestowe Swim Club and joining the Aligned Leisure team. Aquarena is a pool I have swum in years gone by and cannot wait to step back on deck and nurture the emerging athletes in our program.” Darren further mentions “My immediate focus is to connect with the coaching team and athletes and ensure the program continues to grow with the development of a clear vision, coaching framework and more importantly a solid pathway for our Learn to Swim members in joining the club to pursue their swimming aspirations.”

The committee of DTSC played a key role in the selection process with Ancel Greenwood – DTSC President stating “We are excited with this announcement which will pave the way for a strong future for our current and future athletes. Darren’s experience speaks for itself, and we were drawn to him based on his individual focus on connection with athletes and the holistic view on performance.”

Active Manningham and DTSC would like to acknowledge the work of the current coaching team of Julia, Olivia, Declan, and Rod who will continue to provide coaching and guidance to our athletes into the future. Darren will officially start with the club on 2 October 2023 with information regarding a connection event for athletes and families to be released in future.

For further information regarding the DTSC program or to register your interest in becoming a member please contact us via email