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Group Fitness Timetable Update

We have made some changes to the group fitness classes at Aquarena. Read below to know how these changes can affect your sessions at Aquarena.

Tuesday 7.30pm Body Balance has now been moved to Wednesday 7.30pm.

We have changed Thursday 10.45am Momentum March to Momentum Cardio Strength (This session focusses on cardio with simple moves and combines body weight exercises for a full body workout followed by a relaxing stretch).

Friday 9.30am Momentum Core has now been changed to Momentum Strength and Tone with Jacqui (Cardio based full body workout using light hand weights which involves floor work. This class will leave you feeling energised and strong after a fun filled workout). 

We have moved the 11.45am Saturday Mat Pilates to the Main Group Fitness studio.

To view the updated Group fitness schedule, click here.