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Please read below for information relating to the price increase in our memberships effective Monday 1 July 2024.

Thank you for being a valuable member of Aquarena. Over the past 12 months your support has helped us reach new heights, with an upgrade to the Health Club, Audio Upgrades to the Main Studio and Aqua sound system, the additions of new classes in the group fitness and Aqua space and the introduction of 60+ Virtual Group Fitness Classes meaning our timetable now includes more classes than ever.

Please take the time to review the below information containing specific information relating to the annual price increase effective Monday 1 July 2024. 

Following a review of all products and services please note the slight adjustments that have been made to all memberships to take effect with the direct debit on Thursday 4 July 2024. 

The below table outlines the change to Aquarena membership rates: 

Current fortnightly rate*
Fortnight rate as of 1 July 2024 *
Full Access
Full Access Concession
Full Access Off Peak
Reformer Plus
Active Teens\ High School
Aquatic Access Child
Aquatic Access Adult
Aquatic Access Concession

If you are not sure of your membership type or cannot see your current price listed above, please contact our Customer Experience team in person or reach out and connect with us via our website.

This change will occur automatically to your membership and no action from you is required. 


There are considerable operating costs at a facility the size of Aquarena and an annual increase is necessary so that we can continue to provide high quality services for you.  

We understand that at times individuals may be experiencing financial hardship and encourage anyone in this situation to contact our team to discuss your options. 

We hope that you continue to enjoy your membership here at Aquarena and we look forward to seeing you when you next visit. 

Shannon Mounsey
Manningham Leisure Manager