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Manningham health and wellbeing advisory meets to workshop a healthier Manningham community

The Manningham Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee (HWAC) recently convened to discuss strategies for promoting a healthier Manningham community.

The Manningham Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee (HWAC) will provide strategic advice to the Manningham Council on the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Manningham’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2025. The HWAC will support Council to address key and emerging health and wellbeing issues for the Manningham community.

Active Manningham Health & Wellbeing Coordinator, Isabella Wilcox, last week attended the Annual Combined Advisory Committee Dinner. Isabella had the opportunity to engage with community leaders and participate in an Alcohol Harm Prevention Workshop, contributing to our ongoing efforts to enhance the health and wellbeing of the Manningham community.

As the Health & Wellbeing Coordinator, Isabella’s presence at such events showcases our commitment to working closely with community leaders, experts, and stakeholders to create impactful strategies and initiatives that promote overall wellbeing.

Stay tuned for further updates on our progress as we work collaboratively to foster a healthier Manningham.

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